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Image by Austin Distel

MVIP Mentorship Tax Credit Survey

For the past couple of years, MVIP™ and its partners (FORPIQ and its members) have been working on creating a 'first of its kind'  mentorship tax credit in the world. We have presented a version of the proposed tax credit to the Canadian House of Commons Standing Committee on Science and Research in 2023 and it was referred to in Report 7:


"Following their appearance before the Committee, a brief submitted by the international Intellectual Property Forum-Quebec outlined a proposed tax benefit for entrepreneurial mentors to assist start-ups, early-stage companies and SMEs in Lieu of payment for services. which would allow them to learn from experienced mentors with little to no cost. [160]"


Since the publication of this report - which led to a series of tax consultations (SR&ED - phase 1 and 2 and the patent box) - MVIP™ has collaborated with politicians who have a passion for innovation, academics, a Big 4 accounting firm, and now we want to hear from you!  - the Canadian business community. 


We want to know how mentorship has impacted your business, and your thoughts on "paying it forward". Our informal survey should only take a few minutes to complete. There is no greater urgency to move this initiative forward. 


If you have any questions, please contact us (referencing: TAX CREDIT in the title).


Thank you,


Chris Thierry and David Durand

Business Meeting
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