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Image by Corinne Kutz


Tips and tricks from your IP specialists

De-risking opportunity through IP

Risk is an inevitable part of business. Every opportunity, no matter how promising, comes with a degree of uncertainty. But that doesn't mean you have to let fear of failure hold you back. By strategically de-risking opportunities, you can increase your chances of success while minimizing potential losses.

What is De-Risking?

De-risking is the process of identifying and mitigating potential threats to a project or venture. It involves proactively addressing the factors that could lead to failure, allowing you to make more informed decisions and move forward with greater confidence. In addition to licensing and/or acquiring intellectual property assets (Zongke, 2024), de-risking can also take on other risk response strategies, such as: (i) mitigation, (ii) transference (i.e., insurance), (iii) avoidance, (iv) acceptance, and/or (v) removal of the risk.

The De-Risking Framework

  1. Identify Risks: Start by thoroughly analyzing your opportunity. What could go wrong? Consider factors like market conditions, competition, financial constraints, operational challenges, and regulatory hurdles. Brainstorm a comprehensive list of potential risks.

  1. Assess Impact and Probability: Not all risks are created equal. Some are more likely to occur than others, and some have a more significant impact on your success. Rate each risk on a scale of 1-5 for both impact and probability.

  1. Prioritize: Focus your efforts on the risks with the highest combined impact and probability scores. These are the ones that require immediate attention.

  1. Develop Mitigation Strategies: For each high-priority risk, develop a plan to minimize its impact or reduce the likelihood of its occurrence. This could involve:

  • Market Research: Gather data to validate your assumptions and better understand your target audience.

  • Financial Modeling: Create detailed projections to assess financial viability and potential returns.

  • Prototyping: Build and test a basic version of your product or service to gather feedback and refine your approach.

  • Partnerships: Collaborate with other companies to share resources, expertise, or market access.

  • Insurance: Obtain coverage to protect against specific risks, such as cyber-risk, IP (i.e., infringement, enforcement), property damage, liability claims, or business interruption,

  1. Implement and Monitor: Put your mitigation strategies into action and track their effectiveness. Be prepared to adjust your plans as needed based on new information or changing circumstances.

Example: De-Risking a New Product Launch, both domestically and internationally

Imagine you're launching a new product. Here's how you could apply the de-risking framework:

  • Identify Risks:

  • Low market demand

  • Technical glitches

  • Competitor releases a similar product

  • Insufficient funding

  • Assess Impact and Probability:

  • Low demand (High impact, Medium probability)

  • Technical glitches (Medium impact, High probability)

  • Competitor release (High impact, Low probability)

  • Insufficient funding (High impact, Low probability)

  • Prioritize: Focus on low demand and technical glitches.

  • Develop Mitigation Strategies:

  • Conduct thorough market research to validate demand and refine targeting.

  • Invest in robust testing and quality assurance processes.

  • Secure additional funding to ensure adequate runway.

  • Monitor competitor activity closely and be prepared to pivot if necessary.

The Benefits of De-Risking

De-risking isn't about eliminating all risk – that's impossible. Instead, it's about making informed decisions, managing expectations, and increasing your odds of success. By proactively addressing potential threats, you can:

  • Build Confidence: Gain greater confidence in your ability to navigate challenges and achieve your goals.

  • Attract Investors: Demonstrate your thoroughness and commitment to risk management, making your venture more appealing to potential investors.

  • Improve Decision-Making: Make more informed decisions based on a realistic assessment of risks and opportunities.

  • Protect Your Resources: Minimize potential losses and maximize the return on your investment.

Key Takeaway

De-risking is a critical skill for any entrepreneur or business professional. By systematically identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks, you can turn uncertainty into a valuable opportunity and achieve success. 

Contact us for more information.


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